Where can I find an animal?
We have no knowledge of any animals other than those listed on our website. Here are some tips to help you search:
The gene index found under ‘Browse’ on each category page is a good way to browse ads. Each gene or trait is depicted with a number representing the number of animals with specific forms of it (colour coded according to the legend). Select a number to find those with that characteristic in normal or heterozygous, super or homozygous, or possible varieties. Click on the trait name for a more comprehensive search. Except for searches for normal inc/ dominant genes, which also return super forms.
You can search the site by typing into the input box at the top of the page (or in the mobile menu). For example, type “adult female pastel”. Besides gene names, it understands terms such as “female”, “subadult”, and “proven”. It defaults to show available items, but “sold” or “all” will include historical data. The # sign can also be used to locate ads directly by ID, as in “#1234”.
If you want to perform a more advanced search, click on the right-hand side of the search input. You can search and sort in a variety of ways from here. Advanced options will persist between searches, but will only be used if this window is displayed when the search is executed.
If I would like to inquire about an animal, what should I do?
Please follow the steps on How to Buy.
What is the best way to contact a breeder?
Messages are the most common form of communication on our site, so you can make an inquiry to the seller through here.
Click the “Inquire” button on an ad page to contact the seller and ask questions about that animal or learn how to purchase it. An email will be sent to the seller.
In addition to your email, your response will appear on your messages page.
Is it possible to export to my country?
Reptile Room is not responsible for this, it depends on the breeder you choose. It is important to understand that Reptile Room does not sell products. Our site allows you to locate breeders who export to your country.
Look under the delivery options at the top of a seller’s Store Page to see if they can export to you.
When searching for ads, you can filter your results by exporting countries via the advanced search.
As the search will only search within one Reptile Room region, make sure you check all regions. By clicking the flag in the upper left corner of the site, you can switch between regions.
Why is one price black and one green?
Generally, black prices mean that the ad has been renewed. If the colour is green, the ad has never been renewed
Why is Buyer History important?
As users use the site and make purchases, they are able to “level up” using their buyer history. In the user profile, within the messages system, and in the footer of inquiry emails, the buyer’s history can be viewed along with other information about the buyer.
Currently, there are only 5 levels, which are indicated by colours below. It isn’t easy to reach levels 4 or 5 since there are only a few levels. Users may aspire to Level 2 at any time, but there is no “bad” level. Future expansion of levels is possible. Different colored stars represent each level:
(1) * (2) * (3) * (4) * (5) *
Levels are not determined by ratings from sellers; however, they are more positively impacted by purchases confirmed from breeders through our inquiry system.
In general, the levels will stay at the same value or go up. They rarely drop.
Don’t forget to fill out your User Profile’s required fields, such as your name. You will get “free points” for writing your name on the test. It will soon become mandatory for all users in order to send inquiries, so levels will not be affected.
Although Buyer Ratings might achieve the same result as Seller Ratings, sellers have not consistently left ratings for buyers. In our view, the history of buying should still be considered.
We love all our buyers, including the ones who are brand new, who behave well and use good sense. Similarly, most sellers will consider and work with all offers they receive. There are times when sellers may give extra consideration based on history, such as when selling an expensive animal. This makes sense since buyers also take many factors into consideration, including a seller’s ratings, badges, etc.