How to Sell

Start Selling

Here you’ll learn everything you need to start selling on Reptile Room. By following these steps, individuals will usually get their account approved and ads live in about 24 hours.

Create an Approved Store

Follow the link in each step for details.

Sign Up to create a user account if you don’t yet have one and verify your email.
Create your Seller Profile by filling out the required fields.
Obtain Approval for selling by sending us an email according to the given directions. We’ll try to respond within 24 hours in email.
While waiting for approval, complete the following steps:

Review and understand our Rules which we expect all sellers to follow.
Stand out from others and customise your Store Policies.
Start creating ads.
Once you have been approved, any ads you have created will be live. If they are not showing right away, give it time.

And just like that you’re open for business!

What’s Next?

If you didn’t already do so, create an ad.
Check that you are receiving inquiry emails correctly by sending yourself a test email.
Familiarise yourself with messages
There are many benefits to becoming a Reptile Room member. Click here to read how.

Becoming a Member

By having a Reptile Room membership you are supporting the community with an ethical way to share amazing reptiles with breeders and enthusiasts.

Our basic membership is only £5 a month. Check out our membership options.
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